San Francisco Personal Injury Lawyer


san-francisco-personal-injury-attorneySuppose you or your family member has been seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence. The injuries can range from minor to life-threatening, but they all have one thing in common – you need money to pay for medical care and other expenses.

When someone else’s negligence has caused you to get injured in an accident in San Francisco, you must seek legal help right away. Hiring a San Francisco personal injury attorney who will fight for your rights can help you recover damages for your personal injuries.

Suppose you want the best possible outcome for your personal injury claims. In that case, you’ll need an experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyer on your side who knows how to get compensation from insurance companies.

Daneshrad Law PC offers the top San Francisco personal injury lawyers in San Francisco Bay Area. If you or someone you know is injured because of another person’s carelessness, contact us immediately so we can start assessing your personal injury case and determine if we can do something to get you compensated for your injuries. We offer a free consultation for all new clients, which means there is no risk involved when contacting our San Francisco personal injury law firm about your case.

Why Choose Our San Francisco Personal Injury Law Firm?

Here at Daneshrad Law PC, our top San Francisco personal injury lawyer will help determine the value of your personal injury claim and navigate you through this complex process so that all aspects related to your case are handled with professionalism and compassion.

We work hard to obtain fair compensation for our clients for their injuries while working within their budget requirements.

Our San Francisco personal injury lawyers can help you get your life back on track. Our San Francisco personal injury law firm has helped thousands of clients in San Francisco, CA, recovering millions of dollars in compensation after being seriously injured due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness.

If you need a personal injury attorney in the San Francisco area, contact our law firm today at (888) 881.DLAW for a free case evaluation.

We Represent A Spectrum of Personal Injury Cases In San Francisco

san-francisco-personal-injury-casesAt Daneshrad Law PC, our experienced personal injury lawyers handle different kinds of personal injury cases, including:

  • Bicycle Accidents
  • Burn Injuries
  • Bus Accidents
  • Car Accident
  • Dog Bites
  • Food Poisoning
  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Wrongful Death
  • Uber and Lyft Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Slip and Fall
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Premises Liability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Motorcycle Accidents

What Does A Personal Injury Attorney Do?

After a car accident or any type of personal injury-related accident, the insurance company may offer you a settlement right away. Don’t settle until your doctor clears it. While they might seem generous at first glance, first settlements are often less than what’s necessary if there is delayed symptom development caused by the accident.

Waiting will make things easier on yourself when negotiating with attorneys later down the line as compensation becomes more apparent and more precise for medical bills incurred during treatment periods following an auto collision.

Having a legal representation or a personal injury attorney is crucial in getting the maximum compensation possible. They will give you competent legal advice and will guide you throughout the process. They will also explain every step or move that they will do for you to follow along the line.

Sometimes, the case goes into a trial, and you need trial lawyers to represent you. Without them, the chances are slim due to some rules and technicalities of a personal injury lawsuit.


There are two ways how personal injury attorneys get paid – via contingency or per hour. There are law firms in San Francisco, CA that operate on an hourly basis. But, at Daneshrad Law PC, we work on a contingency fee basis.

A contingency fee basis is a better option, especially if you don’t have the means to pay attorneys’ upfront fees yet. In this way, you don’t have to pay us right away, but we will get our fees after winning your case. It will also give you cushion time to recover yourself while we go in there fighting for your case.

We will handle your injury case with integrity and win it for you to recover the damages from the serious injuries you sustained from the accident.

Compensatory Damages You Can Recover For Your Personal Injuries

compensation-for-san-francisco-personal-injuriesWhen it comes to personal injury, each case is different. Many factors can impact how the process will play out in court, and there may be some instances where the negligent party will pay together with the victim. But most of the time, the victim receives financial compensation for the injuries they sustained.

If you are seriously injured in an accident, our San Francisco personal injury attorney here in Daneshrad Law PC can help you recover the following damages:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain and Suffering Damages
  • Emotional Distress
  • Property Damage
  • Lost Income for time missed work
  • Other costs
  • Punitive Damages

What You Need To Know About California’s Comparative Negligence

California, to which San Francisco belongs, is a pure comparative negligence state. The California State court allows the injured party to collect damages even if they are ninety percent at fault for an accident. However, California does not limit the amount of fault to fifty percent, which is the case in some modified comparative negligence states.

How Do You Prove Negligence?

Proving who is at fault is as essential as looking for competent personal injury lawyers. If you weren’t able to point out or prove the negligence of another party, then the case will rest and will remain an accusation; no substance. However, hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you prove negligence for your personal injuries.

Failing to prove negligence will deter the recovery of damages. With the help of our San Francisco personal injury attorneys here in Daneshead Law PC, we will prove elements to obtain a settlement on your behalf:

  • Duty of care owed: The at-fault party must have owed you a responsibility to care at the time of your accident. For example, medical malpractice and healthcare providing sectors.
  • Duty of care breached: The at-fault party must have intentionally breached the care of duty to you.
  • Damages Suffered: The damages and injuries you suffered are powerful proof that negligence commenced on the negligent party.

San Francisco Personal Injury FAQs

What is the statute of limitations for a personal injury claim in San Francisco?

San Francisco has a fairly complicated system for personal injury claims and the statute of limitations, and it is difficult to summarize and explain perfectly.

The first thing that needs to be understood is that there are two statutes of limitation: one for minors (meaning those under 18) and adults (those 18 or over). This distinction is important because if you’re below 18, as noted on your birthday, then as far as what statute of limitations applies to you, your parents will need to sue on your behalf.

As a personal injury victim in San Francisco, you have a limited time to file a personal injury claim. California has a statute of limitations of two years for this claim. Failure to file a claim on that period will bar you from recovering compensation.

Will it be necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit?

It would be deemed unnecessary to file a lawsuit in this type of case because the primary goal of personal injury cases is to win a settlement without filing a lawsuit. In order for that to happen, your lawyers will compile all the pieces of evidence and facts of your situation then estimate a fair settlement based on case law and relevant statutes.

However, if the other party refuses to pay, it would be best for you to file a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit would keep the opposing party moving and convince them to settle. If that does not happen, the case will not rest but will undergo different litigation processes, including trial. So, it is best to have personal injury lawyers with trial experience.

How long does a personal injury lawsuit have to take?

You probably have a lot of questions about how long a personal injury lawsuit has to take. Most cases are resolved within 18 months or less from start to finish. Some even resolve as quickly as six months into litigation.

According to recent statistics, over 90% of all civil jury trials end with verdicts in favor of personal injury plaintiffs, while only 1% of personal injury cases ever make it to trial.

This means if your case gets to court, you’re far more likely than not to win. On average, most personal injury cases take between one and three years to resolve. Once they reach litigation and begin discovery and trial proceedings, it can take up to four years. Yet over 90% of all civil lawsuits settle without ever going through with a full-scale trial because settlement negotiations usually happen long before that point.

How soon should I file a San Francisco personal injury lawsuit?

You should contact an experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyer as soon as possible following an incident. In California, the “statute of limitation” is two years from the date of the incident. Therefore, the claim must be initiated, and/or a lawsuit must be filed within that time frame or you will be forever barred from any recovery from this incident.

Although you have two years to initiate a lawsuit, it’s best to contact an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights and to allow the attorney sufficient time to research the facts of the case and determine the best possible approach for your matter.

What happens during a San Francisco personal injury lawsuit?

Generally, your law firm will contact the legal representation of the company or person you are filing a grievance against. Most personal injury cases can be resolved without ever filing a lawsuit or even going to trial. Your participation in your legal claim is minimal as your attorney handles most aspects of your claim. However, if a lawsuit is filed your participation in the matter increases.

What if I am partly liable for the accident? Can I still recover damages?

Even if the victim is partially at fault for an accident, he or she may still be able to recover damages from the at-fault party by filing a personal injury lawsuit against that individual. An experienced attorney can review your case and help you determine whether this strategy might apply in your situation.

How much does a personal injury lawyer cost?

Typically, the cost of a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco ranges from 33% to 40% of the amount the lawyer gets for the client’s compensation. So, if the lawyer recovered $1M, the lawyer will get a maximum of $400,000.

Is it worth hiring a personal injury lawyer?

While hiring a personal injury attorney in San Francisco isn’t cheap, they’ll work for as long as necessary to win as much money as possible for their clients. Our attorneys won’t just help out with your initial settlement, but we will represent you for as long as it takes to get the compensation you deserve.

How can I know if I have a personal injury case?

If you have been injured and/or traumatized and believe it’s the fault of someone else you may have a personal injury case in San Francisco. However, only an experienced San Francisco personal injury attorney will be able to advise you if you have a valid claim or not. There are particular circumstances that warrant legal action. Generally, most law firms offer a free initial consultation in which an attorney will examine the facts of your case to determine if it’s necessary to retain counsel.

What should I do if I’m unsatisfied with my current personal injury lawyer?

If you are unhappy with your current attorney for any reason you have the option of changing your attorney. Once you obtain a new San Francisco personal injury lawyer, he/she can handle the process of substituting out the previous attorney. Generally, it is a very simple process to do and there is no cost to you. However, your current attorney will likely need to split a portion of your award with your prior attorney according to the amount of work he/she has contributed to your claim prior to being substituted.

Personal Injury Attorney Near Me | Contact A Top-Rated San Francisco Personal Injury Attorney Today


If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in San Francisco, it is important to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you contact us, the more likely we can help you recover maximum compensation.

At Daneshrad Law PC, our San Francisco personal injury attorneys have years of experience helping people just like you get the compensation and justice they deserve. We will fight for your rights and ensure that your voice is heard during this difficult time.

You can reach us at (888) 881.DLAW or through our online form.

Free Case Evaluation

Daneshrad Law, PC offers a free case evaluation so you can personally speak with a California personal injury attorney about your unique situation. Let us help you gain control over your legal issue today.

Contact an attorney at Daneshrad Law, PC today. Please fill out the form or give us a call at 888-881-DLAW.

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